No shows this week, sad times

A disappointing week. I wasn’t feeling it on Tuesday night so I skipped my planned visit to the Lion’s Den, since I was going to try for a walk-in spot at Comedy Virgins on Wednesday and felt confident of arriving early enough to get on.

But despite getting to the Cavendish pretty early, and the place being seemingly still empty, all five of the walk-in spots had already been taken. Still, I had a few friends coming along so we stuck around to watch the show – and they do pretty good pizza in there too.

The highlight of the evening was a completely shitfaced guy who started his “act” by fumbling with his phone for a minute to find the right song, which he then played through the mic for a moment before karate kicking the mic stand across the stage. At this point the MC kicked him off the stage and out of the club – a first in the club’s history, apparently.

Other than that it was the usual mixed bag of talent and train-wrecks. It was disappointing not to get a spot, but it’s always good to check out what other people are doing – but it does mean I didn’t get any stage time at all this week. Next week will be tricky because of holidays, and the only night I have free is Wednesday, so I’ll probably take another shot at Comedy Virgins but get there earlier.

I’ve got a spot booked at CV later in September, but I’d like to get a walk-in earlier if possible. So far I feel like I’ve only done spots in half-empty rooms and CV feels like a much better club, so I’m keen to get on stage there as soon as I can.

Feeling a little frustrated – I’ve got a lot of material I want to try out and going a whole week without doing any spots feels bad. Annoyed at myself for skipping out on the Lion’s Den on Tuesday when I should be grabbing whatever stage time I can get.