Just a quick update, as I realise I’ve not posted anything since May. I’ve not done many spots for the past month or so, mostly because I had a lot going on in my day job, some minor health problems (all sorted now) and then going on holiday for a while. All of which coincided with the Edinburgh Fringe, when comedy in London tends to go into hibernation for a month anyway.
I’m starting to book spots for September, but I expect it’s going to take a couple of weeks before I can actually get on stage again.
I’d like to tell you that I’ve used this time to write pages and pages of new material, but all I’ve done is ruminate on what I’m actually trying to achieve with stand-up, why I’m still doing it, and what my next steps should be.
I’ve realised that I’m sick to death of doing a lot of my current material, and need to move on from it or I’m likely to lose any motivation for continuing with stand-up comedy at all. The last time I thought about this stuff was a while ago, and my plan was to build a solid 10+ minute set that I could rely on to get laughs, and then use that as a spring board to get more gigs and then start working on better material.
I think I got to the point where I had a reasonable 10, and it was working well most of the time, but I never got as far as trying out new stuff – I was just cranking out that same set at every gig and boring myself with it.
My plan for the rest of this year is to go back to the drawing board and come up with a completely new set (even if I have to keep using some of the old stuff as a safety net) that’s closer to the kind of comedy I wanted to do when I started this.
I’ve noticed the blog is getting more visitors than ever before, despite my lack of updates, so I’m glad people are still finding this useful – hope to see some of you out there!