Sam Rhodes Birthday Bash

I did a spot at Sam Rhodes Comedy Explosion this week; it also happened to be Sam’s birthday, so the mood was high, everybody was drinking more than usual (I was, at any rate) and all in all it was much more fun than a Monday night has any right to be. As we’re sliding … Read more

My first go at MCing a gig

I’ve done a few spots since my last update, three at Sam Rhodes (including a weird night where I got “called out” by another act who was offended by one of my bits) and one at Comedy Virgins, where I was pleased to see Steph Aritone has taken on regular Monday MC duties.  But the … Read more

Stepping up to 10 minutes

The past few week have been a little busy, so I’ve been slack in posting an update here. If you’ve been paying attention you’ve probably noticed the podcast is back from the dead – we’ve got into a regular weekly cadence and already had a few decent guests on, so hopefully we can build up … Read more

10 Minutes of Death

I just did one spot this week, ten minutes at Sam Rhodes Comedy Explosion. Sam’s been kind enough to give me a few 10 spots this year and I’ve had mixed success with them, sometimes they go ok, but a lot of the time it feels like a massive step back. This week was a … Read more

10 Minutes at Comedy Explosion

I did a ten minute spot at Sam Rhodes Comedy Explosion last week, gig number 98 by my reckoning. The weather was hot and I was on at the end of a long night, but despite that most people stuck around, even though the energy was flagging. I’d spent most of the night sitting at … Read more