Back to the Grind at Rats Open Mic

After nearly a couple of months out of circulation I really needed to start doing some spots again, so I could try out some new material and work on building a completely new set. As I’ve mentioned previously, I’m very bored of the material I’ve already got and, even though it works pretty well a … Read more

I’m still here!

Just a quick update, as I realise I’ve not posted anything since May. I’ve not done many spots for the past month or so, mostly because I had a lot going on in my day job, some minor health problems (all sorted now) and then going on holiday for a while. All of which coincided … Read more

Staying Sane in Standup

Last night I was back at Sam Rhodes Comedy Explosion at Maltby St Market, where I closed the show again, and just like last time it went pretty well. I even remembered to film myself this time, so I have an objective record that it was a great set and not just my memory playing … Read more

Ascending to glory at Maltby St Market

I’ve not been gigging as much as I should recently, mostly because of being too lazy to get any spots booked in. I sometimes forget that doing stand-up actually requires a shitload of admin at this level, and unless I’m constantly on the ball with applying for spots then it’s all too easy to find … Read more

Bored of the sound of my own voice

I feel completely stuck in a rut at the moment. I’ve been doing a lot of 10 minute bar shows and, while it’s been great to get those longer sets, they’ve just not been going particularly well. While I’m always keen to beat myself up over everything I did wrong after a mediocre set, most … Read more

A ten-spot at Whole Lotta Comedy

On Sunday night I did a ten minute spot at Whole Lotta Comedy at the Castle in Surbiton, which is rapidly becoming one of my favourite gigs. On top of the fact that it’s local to me, and on a really convenient day (Sunday is the one evening when I’m almost always free), and they … Read more

First Gig of 2022

Just a quick update – last night I did my first gig since before xmas, and while it’s actually been pretty nice to chill out for a while without having to feed the comedy monkey on my back, it was good to get started again. Even if it was a bit of a trainwreck. The … Read more

Dealing with Hecklers in Stand-up Comedy

The most common fear people have when they’re thinking about trying stand-up comedy is getting heckled. Nobody gets into stand-up because they want to spend every gig dealing with hecklers. It would be great if you could just go up on stage and do your material without any fear of some rowdy audience member giving … Read more

2021: My Year in Stand-up

I did a couple of spots since my last post: Five minutes at We Are Funny Project – it was going OK, and I was scoring laughs, but I tried too much new material in one go and ended my set by completely blanking on the punchline for a new bit. 15 minutes at a … Read more